Gearing Up For Q4 2021 / Q1 2022 Rapid Growth
Over the past 12 Months the company has seen rapid expansion and advances into new territories world-wide, leading to a heavy demand on supply and stock availability. With global shipping challenges, resulting in a delay and backlog of receiving components, seconded by metal work strikes, the company is now currently running at full production.
Pleased to announce the immense growth of over 80% in the past 12 Months and workforce increase of over 50%, we continue to strive to meet the demand of our clients expectations, delivery times, Quality control and deliverables. In addition, the company has recently taken a decision to increase its manufacturing facilities and will soon make the move over.
HISSCO should once again like to remind all of its clients and distributors to kindly inform us as far in advance of potential projects in order for us to build in accordance with expected delivery times. Kindly note that the factory will be closing from 22nd December to 4th January 2022 for annual holidays, production will then continue at full pace thereafter.
We would like to once again thank all of our clients, distributors, partners and suppliers for all of their hard work and continued support over the past 12 Months.